Help setting up Letters

Helpful Instructions for Using Example letters:

Mail letters to 5 members of the Boy Scouts Executive Council. Tell them to stop the Tower!

To help you make a letter, we have posted on the blog:

• the addresses of the 5 Boy Scout Executives
• 3 sample letters
• 1 form letter

Use the Form letter, or one or several letters, or segments from each these letters, to make your letter.

Here’s what you do:

A. Make your “Letter to Boy Scouts”:
1. Copy the Form Letter, or sample letter(s) you like to your Word file;
    2. Alter as you wish, so that the letter comes from you;
    3. Save this as your “Letter to Boy Scouts” file;

B. Turn your letter into 5 different “Letters to Boy Scouts”:
    4. Make 5 files of your “Letter to Boy Scouts” file;
    5. Open the link with the list of addresses, ;
    6. Cut and paste a different address (as “letter-header”) to each of your 5 files (“Letter to Boy Scouts” files);
    7. Print the 5 letters (each with a different address), and sign;

C. Mail your 5 letters:

    8. Print the list of addresses;
    9. Cut and paste one address/envelop to match each of the 5 letters inside;
  10. Stamp, return address, and mail.

D. E-mail one to

Thank you